About Innovation & Project Excellence Award


This category rewards excellence in Projects and Processes that display best-in-class planning, usage of structured approach and a flawless execution. These project teams have displayed collaboration, adoption of digital technologies, innovative solutions to make a significant impact to the business, customers, and other stakeholders.

Scoring Methodology

Evaluation of each entry on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being low visibility/display of criteria points and 10 being very high level of visibility/display of criteria points by the nominees.

Evaluation Criteria

Exceptional behaviors in the following areas: 

Exceptional Results/Impact

Rating based on achievement of significant business impact or customer impact through execution of new age technology/best practices significantly impacting operational efficiency, productivity and  customer experience.

Implementation of best in class practices

Rating based on deployment of Innovative solutions/practices/products/ systems by team that has given huge cost saving, increased efficiency , productivity and improved customer experience.

Execution Focus

Rating based on degree of execution focus w.r.t. managing scope, project timelines, synergy/collaboration with cross functional team and change management.

Sustenance & Scalability

Rating based on degree of sustenance of results for consistently good period of time (3-6 months) with clear demonstration of scalability of results through replication of best practices within /Between BU’s