About Role Model Award

ABC Role Model Awards recognizes individuals who are truly inspirational, championing the ABC vision and role model of ABG values - Speed, Integrity, Seamlessness, Passion, and Commitment. The role model award reinforces positive behaviours towards creation of work environment based on trust and empowerment and FAIR behavioural anchors for ABC leaders.


Scoring Methodology

Evaluation of each entry on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being low visibility/display of criteria points and 10 being very high level of visibility/display of criteria points by the nominees  

Evaluation Criteria

Exceptional behaviors in the following areas:


Should inspire confidence in others and represent a strong example of embodying ABC vision. Needs to be ethical, truthful, transparent, upright and respectful in every action and taking decision.




A missionary zeal arising out of emotional engagement with the organization that makes work joyful and inspires each one to give his or her best.
Relentless pursuit of goals and objectives with high level of energy and enthusiasm, that is voluntary and spontaneous. He should be able to recognize the talent of his subordinates should harness it to the growth of his organization



Delivering on promises by having the accountability, responsibility, self confidence, discipline, result orientation and reliability. Thinking and working together across functional silos, hierarchies, businesses and geographies.
Leveraging the available diversity to garner synergy benefits and promote oneness through sharing and collaborative efforts.



Respond to internal and external customers with a sense of urgency. Continuously seek to crash timelines and choose the right rhythm to optimize organization efficiencies.


Display of Leadership attributes & FAIR Behavior Anchors

Rating based on degree of demonstration of Leadership attributes and FAIR Behavioral anchors -Focus on Results, Accountability with Discipline, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Respect & Openness