About Functional Excellence Individual Award

Functional Excellence Individual Award recognizes an exceptional functional leader who has displayed a high degree of functional proficiency, demonstrated ABC leadership traits-No Excuse Delivery, Collaboration, Problem solving , building talent and who exceptionally contributed in making their function a benchmark in the industry in all sphere- benchmarked performance within and outside ABC , institutionalization of learning & sharing as a culture in the function, role model for innovation and customer centricity.

Scoring Methodology

Evaluation of each entry on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being low visibility/display of criteria points and 10 being very high level of visibility/display of criteria points by the nominees  

Evaluation Criteria

Exceptional behaviors in the following areas:

Impact /Results through Exceptional contributions

Rating based on demonstration of exceptional contribution by individual leader to make his/her function as a role model on all sphere (Business Targets, Innovation, Customer centricity, Nurturing team.

Implementation of best in class practices in Function

Rating based on deployment of Innovative solutions/practices/products/systems by an individual that has given huge cost saving, increased efficiency , productivity and improved customer

Execution Focus & Sustenance of Results

Rating based on degree of execution focus (Structured vs Adhoc with no clear planning) and  Deployment of control plan for sustenance of solutions for minimum 6-12 month

Display of Leadership attributes & FAIR Behavior Anchors

Rating based on degree of demonstration of Leadership attributes and FAIR Behavioral anchors -Focus on Results, Accountability with Discipline, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Respect & Openness